
Exchange Server 2013/2016/2019 Security Updates May 2022

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday at the Microsoft Patchday, the Exchange Server 2013/2016/2019 Security Updates May 2022 have been released. Released: May 2022 Exchange Server Security Updates Security Update For Exchange Server 2016 CU23 (KB5014261) Microsoft Exchange Server Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability There is also a new format of the Security Update. The .exe File is a self-extracting, auto-elevating installer (.exe), which works best for manual installations. New Exchange Server Security Update and Hotfix Packaging

Install and use Exchange 2019 CU12 Recipient Management PowerShell

Andres Bohren
Hi All, With the recent Release of Exchange Server 2019 CU12 Microsoft Announced the Exchange Recipient Management without Exchange Server. Manage recipients in Exchange Hybrid environments using Management tools In my LAB Environement i've removed Exchange a while ago. Now i will install only the Management Tools to see how we can manage Exchange Recipients Cumulative Update 12 for Exchange Server 2019 (KB5011156) It should be clear, but you can't install the Management Tools on a Server where already another Version of Exchange is installed

Exchange 2016/2019 2022 H1 Cumulative Updates released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Apart from the Exchange 2016/2019 Cumulative Update there have been some major Changes annouced today on the Exchange Team Blog Servicing Model changes from Quarterly Updates to Semi-anual (target March and September) Exchange 2019 CU12 Microsoft introduces a Free Exchange License for the Exchange Server Exchange 2019 CU12 supports now a MFA enabled Acccount for Hybrid Management PowerShell (Get-HybridAgent, UpdateHybridApplication, Get-HybridApplication, Remove-HybridApplication) Exchange 2019 CU12 supports now Windows Server 2022 OS The latest Exchange CU Supports now Windows Server 2022 Active Directory

Many ways to send an Email with PowerAutomate/Flow

Andres Bohren
Hi All, There are many ways to send Emails from PowerAutomate (aka Flow). In this Blog Article i will show you three ways to send an Email. I reccomend to use Variant 2 and use your M365 Mailbox to send Emails. Variant 1 - Sendmail Create a new Cloud Flow Manual Trigger and Flowname is "Demo01" Add a Step Search for: "Mail" And select "E-Mail-Benachrichtigung versenden (V3)" Apparently this is done by Sendgrid Infrastructure so i have to accept

Exchange Managed Availability

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Since Exchange 2016 the Monitoring of Exchange is built in and is based on "Managed Availability" Managed availability To get an overview of your Exchange Environement use the following Command #Get Exchange HealthReport Get-HealthReport -Identity $env:Computername | where {$_.state -ne "NotApplicable"} Show all Components from a specific Server that are not Healthy use the following command Get-ServerHealth -Identity $env:Computername | where {$_.CurrentHealthSetState -ne "NotApplicable" -AND $_.AlertValue -ne "

Exchange Redirect in Messagetrace

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Recently i had a call from a Collegue. He had the following Scenario: An Email was redirected via Exchange Transport Rule (ETR) Something similar to this one When you now look at the Messagetrace you will see Events like that: Receive Transport Rule Redirect Fail Drop He was a little concerned about the Fail and Drop Events. But that's absolutely fine. Redirect means, the Mail will not reach the orginal Recipient - therefore Fail and Drop.

Rename UPN of specific Mailbox Types

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Recently i had a customer where the Room Mailboxes had still the Active Directory UPN Suffix. But that needed to Change in Order to align with Exchange Hybrid / Exchange Online. So i did write a small PowerShell Script to fix that The Script can also be found at my GitHub Repo ############################################################################### # Rename UPN from specific Mailbox Type # 11.04.2022 V0.1 - Andres Bohren - Initial Version

You can't use TenantAllowBlockList when connected to Security and Compliance

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Recently i was stumbling across a weird behaviour regarding Exchange Online Protection (EOP) with TenantAllowBlockListItems. Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems Connect-ExchangeOnline Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -Block Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -ListSubType AdvancedDelivery Represented with the following Command Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -Block Advanced Delivery - Represented with the following Command Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -ListSubType AdvancedDelivery Then i connected to Security and Compliance Connect-IPPSSession Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url Error: Das Format des in den Parameter objectId eingegebenen Werts ist ungültig.

ExchangeOnline: Changing the behavior of MoveRequest cmdlets

Andres Bohren
Hi All, A few Days ago Microsoft has anounced some changes in the MoveRequest cmdlets. Some Properties will be removed and two will be renamed and one will be added (see Table below). These Changes will pe appearing on 30 April 2022. Changing the behavior of MoveRequest cmdlets I've created a Screenshot: Red: These Properties will be removed Blue: These Properties will be renamed The Blog Article does not mention any changes in the MoveRequestStatistics.

Microsoft Bookings

Andres Bohren
Hi All, By default Microsoft Bookings is enabled in Exchange Online. If you have disabled it like me, you need to enable it first in the Exchange Online OrganizationConfig. Turn Microsoft Bookings on or off Get-Organizationconfig | fl *booking* Set-Organizationconfig -BookingsEnabled $true In the Default OwaMailboxPolicy all users can create Booking Mailboxes. Get-OwaMailboxPolicy -Identity OwaMailboxPolicy-Default | fl *booking* If you want to enable the Bookings creation only for one Mailbox you have to create a new OWAMailboxPolicy Set-OwaMailboxPolicy "