
Update Microsoft.Graph Modules on Azure Automation with Managed Identity

Andres Bohren
Hi All, The Microsoft.Graph Modules are updated very often. It annoyed me to update these Modules on my Azure Automation Account. I have now written a Azure Automation Runbook to automate the Update of the Microsoft.Graph Modules. It uses Managed Identity and updates the PowerShell 5.1 and 7.1 Modules. As mentioned the Azure Automation Account has a system assigned Service Principal That Service Principal needs Contributor Permissions on the Azure Automation Account

New AzureAD Logs (but only you where included in Preview)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, A few days ago, i was very enthusiastic, because i found some new Logs in Azure Active Directory Diagnostic Settings EnrichedOffice365AuditLogs MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs I've enabled all those logs But i could not see any new Tables in the Log Analytics Workspace So i googled around and found out, that you can enable those logs, but the Tables are not created unless you where in the Preview :( Integrate Azure AD logs with Azure Monitor logs

Azure PowerShell Module Az 9.5.0 released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Just a few Hours ago, a new Version of the AZ PowerShell Module has been released to PowerShell Gallery. Az 9.5.0 Release Notes Show Installed AZ Module and what's available in the PowerShell Gallery Get-InstalledModule AZ Find-Module AZ #Run Script directly from GitHub $ScriptFromGitHub = Invoke-WebRequest "" Invoke-Expression $($ScriptFromGitHub.Content) The AZ Module is just a Wrapper Module for all AZ* Modules Get-InstalledModule AZ* Regards Andres Bohren


Andres Bohren
Hi All, I wanted to monitor the Performance of my Blog. I’ve added Application Insights to my Azure Subscription and under “Availablility” i have added a “Classic test”. MS Learn Monitor availability with URL ping tests URL ping test: Add the URL, the Regions where you want to test from, the Response Code and Timeout. In my case i don’t need an Alert. After a few days you can se now the Availability is at 100%

Conditional Access Templates (Preview)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Did you notice that you can download Conditional Access Templates. The Templates are documented in the Conditional Access Doumentation below Conditional Access templates (Preview) In Conditional Access Management select "New policy from template" Now you have a diffrent range of Policys and can download the JSON Back in Conditional Access select "Upload policy file" Select your JSON File and choose between "Off", "On", "Report only" After that your Policy is created

Directory Synchronization Features via Graph API

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Today i had an interesting case with AzureAD Connect Synchronization from Active Directory to Azure Active Directory. The Customer is in the middle of a reorganization and was changing the Domain. I've added the new UPN to the UPN Suffixes in Azure AD (domain.msc > Properties) We addet the new Domain to the M365 Tenant Then i've changed the UPN Suffix of a Testuser. But the UPN did not change in AzureAD after the AAD Connect Sync Cycle.

Azure PowerShell Module Az 9.4.0 released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday the new Version of the AZ PowerShell Module 9.4.0 has been released to PowerShell Gallery. Az 9.4.0 Azure PowerShell release notes Show Installed AZ Module and what's available in the PowerShell Gallery Get-InstalledModule AZ Find-Module AZ To uninstall all the old Modules and install the new Modules i have written a PowerShell Script that is published at my GitHub Repo. #Run Script directly from GitHub

Delete Stale Devices in AzureAD with Microsoft.Graph PowerShell

Andres Bohren
Hi All, While checking the Devices in my M365 Tenant i was stumbled over the Stale Devices. The List shows Devices that have an acivity more than 6 Months ago Let's check if we can get that Information with Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Directory.ReadWrite.All, Directory.AccessAsUser.All Get-MgDevice Now we need to get the Devices that are older than six Months $Devices = Get-MgDevice $Devices | where {$_.ApproximateLastSignInDateTime -lt (Get-Date).AddMonths(-6)} We can format that a little better $Devices | where {$_.

Document AzureAD Conditional Access Policies

Andres Bohren
Hi All, I had the "pleasure" again this week to Document the Azure AD Policies. Making several Screenshots in the Azure AD Portal seemed not the best way. MSGraph: List Conditional Access policies So tried to use the Microsoft Graph Explorer You need the Permission: Policy.Read.All While using the JSON could be one way. It's not very good if you have to Document it in a Word Document right.

Analyze AzureAD SignIn Logs with PowerShell

Andres Bohren
Hi All, I recently had a case where i needed to access the AzureAD Signin Logs with PowerShell. I've started at the Azure AD Signin Logs and filtered by UPN Next step was Graph Explorer where i found the needed Permissions ############################################################################### # Graph Explorer ############################################################################### #Go to$filter=startsWith(userPrincipalName,'') Let's connect with these Permissions (they need Admin Consent and i already have that) #Import-Module and Connect to Microsoft Graph