Hi All,
It’s not much more than a Month, until Azure AD (AzureAD) and MSOnline (MSOL) PowerShell Modules will be depreciated.
Reference: Entra Changes
Did you know that you can list the Usage of these PowerShells with AzureAD Workbooks
Entra Portal > Montitoring & health > workbooks > Sign-ins
Select Timerange “Last 30 days” and Apps “Azure Active Directory PowerShell”
If you click on the LogAnalytics Icon you will jump to Azure LogAnalytics Workspace
Hi All,
Just a few Minutes ago, a new Version of the AZ PowerShell Module has been released to PowerShell Gallery.
Az 9.6.0
As always the ChangeLog is full of updates
Show Installed AZ Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule AZ Find-Module AZ I’ve created a Script to uninstall all AZ.* Modules and install the newest ones. It can be run directly from your PowerShell.
#Run Script directly from GitHub $ScriptFromGitHub = Invoke-WebRequest "https://raw.
Hi All,
Today i’ve seen, that there is a new Version of the AzureStorageExplorer available
Starting the Setup
You can see that this will be the last x86 version. Starting with 1.30.0 there will be only x64 Versions
The Preview feature is new in Azure Storage Explorer. So you don’t need to download the File to view it. That’s cool 😍
Andres Bohren
Azure Logo
Hi All,
Recently Microsoft has anounced Conditional Access Token Protection Preview.
Token protection (also known as token binding) attempts to reduce attacks using token theft by ensuring a token is usable only from the intended device. When an attacker is able to steal a token, by hijacking or replay, they can impersonate their victim until the token expires or is revoked. Token theft is thought to be a relatively rare event, but the damage from it can be significant.
Hi All,
I’ was running my blog since 2007 on Subtext. At that Time i wanted to have a Blog that is using ASP.NET and MS SQL Server. To this day the Blog is running on an ol HP Server under my Desk at Home.
It worked fine, but the Project was archived in 2018 and has not seen much development since 2012. It had some quirks and was designed to work without SSL/TLS.
Hi All, Just a few Hours ago, a new Version of the AZ PowerShell Module has been released to PowerShell Gallery. Az 9.7.1
Release Notes: https://github.com/Azure/azure-powershell/releases/tag/v9.7.1-May2023
9.7.1 - May 2023
Az.DesktopVirtualization 3.1.2
* Added breaking change warnings
Az.Websites 2.15.1
* Used AAD Auth instead of Basic Auth for PublishAzureWebApps
Show Installed AZ Module and what's available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule AZ
Find-Module AZ #Run Script directly from GitHub $ScriptFromGitHub = Invoke-WebRequest "
Hi All, Just a few Hours ago, a new Version of the AZ PowerShell Module has been released to PowerShell Gallery. Az 9.7.0
AZ Release Notes
Show Installed AZ Module and what's available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule AZ
Find-Module AZ #Run Script directly from GitHub $ScriptFromGitHub = Invoke-WebRequest "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BohrenAn/GitHub_PowerShellScripts/main/Azure/Cleanup-AZModules.ps1" Invoke-Expression $($ScriptFromGitHub.Content) The AZ Module is just a Wrapper Module for all AZ.* Modules Get-InstalledModule AZ.* Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Apparently i don't use Azure Storage Explorer a lot. As i did use it this Week i noticed that there is an Update available.
Release Notes
How to use the Azure Storage Explorer https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vs-azure-tools-storage-manage-with-storage-explorer?tabs=windows
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday was Microsoft Patchday for April 2023. I have noticed on one of my Servers that there is an Update for the Azure File Sync Agent to Version 16.0.
In Azure Portal under Storage Sync Service you can see that the current Version of the Agent is 15.2 I downloaded the new Version of the File Sync Agent - but that was a fail Azure File Sync Agent 16.
Hi All, Just a few Hours ago, a new Version of the AZ PowerShell Module has been released to PowerShell Gallery. Az 9.6.0
Change Log
Show Installed AZ Module and what's available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule AZ
Find-Module AZ #Run Script directly from GitHub $ScriptFromGitHub = Invoke-WebRequest "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BohrenAn/GitHub_PowerShellScripts/main/Azure/Cleanup-AZModules.ps1" Invoke-Expression $($ScriptFromGitHub.Content) The AZ Module is just a Wrapper Module for all AZ* Modules Get-InstalledModule AZ* Regards Andres Bohren