
MSIdentityTools PowerShell Module v2.0.10 released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Today Microsoft has released a new Version of the MSIdentityTools PowerShell Module MSIdentityTools 2.0.10 Find-Module MSIdentityTools If you have already installed a Version of the PowerShell Module Uninstall-Module MSIdentityTools Install the PowerShell Module Install-Module MSIdentityTools Get-Command -Module MSIdentityTools Get-MsIdAzureIpRange | measure Connect-MgGraph Resolve-MsIdTenant -TenantValue Regards Andres Bohren

M365 group-based License (step-by-step)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Most Organizations i know use M365 group-based Licensing. It fit's theyr provisioning Processes because it's just adding a User to another Active Directory Group. As they are already used to do. What is group-based licensing in Azure Active Directory? Licensing requirements You must have one of the following licenses for every user who benefits from group-based licensing: Paid or trial subscription for Azure AD Premium P1 and above Paid or trial edition of Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Office 365 Enterprise E3 or Office 365 A3 or Office 365 GCC G3 or Office 365 E3 for GCCH or Office 365 E3 for DOD and above

Deploy Azure SQL Database with ARM Template (Part 3)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Finally i have some time to do a Project i've always wanted to do. In a Series of Blog Article i will create a SQL Server / SQL Database in Azure and compare diffrent Deployment Methods. Let's start with an ARM Template. First i started creating a SQL Database in the Azure Portal. Under "Review + create" you can download the Template. The Template consists of a template.json and parameters.

Deploy Azure SQL Database with AZ CLI (Part 2)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Finally i have some time to do a Project i've always wanted to do. In a Series of Blog Article i will create a SQL Server / SQL Database in Azure and compare diffrent Deployment Methods. Let's start with the AZ CLI The Script can also be found on my GitHub Repo ############################################################################### # Demo02-SQLDB-Az.ps1 # Create SQL Server / Firewall Rule / SQL Database with AZ CLI

Deploy Azure SQL Database with AZ PowerShell Module (Part 1)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Finally i have some time to do a Project i've always wanted to do. In a Series of Blog Article i will create a SQL Server / SQL Database in Azure and compare diffrent Deployment Methods. Let's start with the PowerShell AZ Module Install-Module AZ The Script can also be found on my GitHub Repo ############################################################################### # Demo01-SQLDB-Az.ps1 # Create SQL Server / Firewall Rule / SQL Database with AZ.

Azure Active Directory Connect released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Two Days ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of Azure AD Connect that fixes an Error, when there is a model db corruption. Resolve Model database corruption in SQLLocalDB Azure AD Connect: Version release history Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect On the M365 Admin Center in the Health > Directory Sync Status you can find the new Version Number Regards Andres Bohren

Protect your Azure SQL Database with Firewall Rules

Andres Bohren
Hi All, In this Blog Article, i want to talk about how to protect your Azure SQL Databases with Firewall Rules at Server or Database level. Azure SQL Database and Azure Synapse IP firewall rules The Server Level you can find on your Server Object You can also find this when query the master Database --Database: master SELECT * FROM sys.firewall_rules At the Database level use this sp_set_firewall_rule (Azure SQL Database)

New Azure Active Directory Diagnostic settings

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Did you notice that there are new Azure AD Diagnostic Settings in AzureAD? NetworkAccessTrafficLogs RiskyServicePrincipals ServicePrincipalRiskEvents After the Change i've checked the LogAnalytics - did not see any change. Checked again a few days later and could only see that the Table "AzureDiagnostics" has been addet. But no Data in it. What is your Experience?Do you see new Tables? Is there Data in it? Regards Andres Bohren

Azure Active Directory recommendations (Preview)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Did you notice you can enable Azure Active Directory Preview Features? Since February 2022 you can enable Azure AD Recommendations. As soon as i had enabled it, the followin Info was shown under Overview > Recommendations Detail View of the Recommendation So i have changed the MFA Service Settings Regards Andres Bohren

Azure Automation: PSGallery Version Check

Andres Bohren
Hi All, I don't check daily if there are any new PowerShell modules in PSGallery. So i wrote me a Script of my most used Modules to Inform me if there are any new Modules available. With the following Code i check for the current Version of the Modules and put them into a PSCustomObject with the Attributes Release, Module, Version (for GA and Prerelease Versions). ############################################################################### # Check PSGallery Modules