Azure File Sync Agent 14.1 has been released

Andres Bohren
Hi all, On the last Microsoft Patchday, i've seen, that a new Azure File Sync Agent has been released. The Title is "Azure File Sync Agent v14.1 Release - November 2021 (KB5001873)" - but when you check the download Link it is from mid December. When i check the Storage Sync Service in Azure Portal, i can see that i'm using the Agent Verion 13.0. The Download Link to the New Version also comes handy.

MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 3.1.0 released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Just a few days ago, Microsoft has released the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module v3.1.0 to the PSGallery. Here are the Release notes Time to uninstall the old Modules and get the new one. Unfortunately i had still code open, that's why 3.0.1-Preview couln't be uninstalled in the first place- Get-Module MicrosoftTeams -ListAvailable Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Now Install the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module from the PSGallery Find-Module MicrosoftTeams Install-Module MicrosoftTeams

PFX Certificate Password Recovery Tool (Brute Force)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, A customer recently could not remember the Password of the PFX File. I was curious and searched for a PFX Password Recovery Tool. I created a PFX with a Password 9 chars uppercase chars lowercase cars numbersspecial caracter Certificate Password Recovery Tool I startet the Tool on Friday 14 January 23:41:41 After about 9 Days there where tested 569'890'000 diffrent combinations. And we're still at 5 Characters.

Threat Explorer in Microsoft 365 Defender got a refresh

Andres Bohren
Hi All, I am pretty sure, i did not read anything about this refresh of Explorer in Microsoft 365 Defender (Security Admin Center) ttps:// It has also been renamed from "Threat Explorer" just to "Explorer". What i absolutely love about this, is that the default now points to "All email" instead of "Malware" like before. You sill have a lot of Filtering possibilities And also the Chart view has diffrent Filtering options

Your datacenter move for Exchange is complete

Andres Bohren
Hi Everybody, In June 2020 i applied for the Data residency move to the newly created M365 Datacenter Location in Switzerland Today i had the following Message in the M365 Message Center Moving core data to new Microsoft 365 datacenter geos I've checked the Data location. As you can see the Exchange Data has been moved to Switzerland 😍 Regards Andres Bohren

Microsoft Teams Export assigned Phonenumbers to CSV

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Did you ever wanted to have a List of all assigned Phone Numbers in Teams? For CallQueues and Autoattendant you can find the List of ResourceAccounts in Teams Admin Center (TAC) under Voice > Resouce accounts Sadly, the same does not apply for Users. Under "Phone Numbers" you will find only a List of Numbers if you're using Operator connect. For the Users you have to go to Users > Manage users.

Upload file to SharePoint Online with PnP.PowerShell

Andres Bohren
Hi All, A few weeks ago i had to upload a File to a SharePoint Site with a PowerShell Script. In this Blog Article i explain how i did it. All you need is Azure AD Application Sharepoint Permission PnPPowerShell Here is the File i want to upload and replace with my PowerShell Script (Documents/Project/Script/AADUsers.csv) Azure AD Application You need to create an Azure AD Application. Copy the Application ID, you will need that later for the PowerShell Script

M365 Import List from Excel File

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Did you know, that you can create a Microsoft List in M365 from an Excel? I have created this Example Excel From the Office 365 Portal in the Browser i open Lists Here i create a "New List" I select "From Excel" The Excel File has to be on your OneDrive If the Table is not yet properly formated you need to fix that With the klick on the above "

Azure Active Directory Connect released

Andres Bohren
Hi all, Microsoft has released a new version of Azure Active Directory Connect (AAD Connect). AAD Connect Health Component is now FIPS compliant. Azure AD Connect: Version release history In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center you will see also the new Version Regards Andres Bohren

DANE - DNS based Authentification of Named Entities

Andres Bohren
Hi All, You might have stumbled over the Microsoft Anouncement of DNSSEC/DANE for Exchange Online. In this Blog i would like to explain how it works in detail Support of DANE and DNSSEC in Office 365 Exchange Online Microsoft 365 roadmap What is DANE? DANE is the abbreviation for "DNS based Authentification of Named Entities". It requires DNSSEC Dane is defined in the RFC6698 The DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE)