PnP.PowerShell 2.2 released

Hi All,
Just a days ago, a new Version of PnP.PowerShell has been released to the PowerShell Gallery.
What’s changed and fixed
To check what version is installed and what’s available from the PowerShell Gallery use the following Commands
Get-InstalledModule PnP.PowerShell
Find-Module PnP.PowerShell
Uninstall the old version of the PowerShell Module and install the new one
Uninstall-Module PnP.PowerShell
Install-Module PnP.PowerShell
Get-InstalledModule PnP.PowerShell
Note: PNP.PowerShell does not work in PowerShell 5.x anymore
Works fine in PowerShell 7.x
Connect-PnPOnline -Url "" -Interactive
Get-PnPFolder -Url "Freigegebene Dokumente/Project/Script"
Get-PnPFileVersion -Url "Freigegebene Dokumente/Project/Script/AADUsers.csv"
Andres Bohren