O365CentralizedAddInDeployment 2.0.1 released

Hi All,
Just a few Days ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of O365CentralizedAddInDeployment PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery. Last Change was from 1/6/2021. No changes over the last few years.
I was not able to find what has been changed, as there is no release notes available
Last time i blogged about it was here M365 Centralized Add-In Management
Check what Module is installed and what Version is available on the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
Find-Module O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
Uninstall old Module and install the newest Module from the PowerShell Gallery
Uninstall-Module O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
Install-Module O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
Get-InstalledModule O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
List the Commands from the Module. There has been no change in the Commands
Get-Command -Module O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
Connect and List Add-Ins
Import-Module O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
The Add-Ins can be found also in the M365 Admin Portal > Settings > Integrated apps
Detail view of an Add-In (FindTime)
Detail of the FindTime AddIn with PowerShell
Get-OrganizationAddIn -ProductId 9758a0e2-7861-440f-b467-1823144e5b65 | fl
Andres Bohren