ExchangeOnlineManagement 3.2.0-Preview3 released
Hi All,
Yesterday Microsoft has released the ExchangeOnlineManagement 3.2.0-Preview3 to PowerShell Gallery.
ExchangeOnlineManagement 3.2.0-Preview3

Release Notes:
v3.2.0-Preview3 :
1. Bug fixes in Disconnect-ExchangeOnline.
2. Bug fixes in Set-DefaultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig.
3. Preview of REST based cmdlets for SCC powershell: Added UseRPSSession parameter to Connect-IPPSSession
1. Bug fixes in Disconnect-ExchangeOnline.
2. Bug fixes in Set-DefaultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig.
3. Preview of REST based cmdlets for SCC powershell: Added UseRPSSession parameter to Connect-IPPSSession

Let's check what Module is installed and whats available from the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllVersions
Find-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllowPrerelease

Now let's uninistall the old Preview2 Module and install Preview3
Uninstall-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllowPrerelease -Force
Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllowPrerelease -Force
Get-InstalledModule ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllVersions

Now you can use finally use REST Based Connection for Security and Compliance.
Note that you can see the Connection with "Get-ConnectionInformation"
Connect-IPPSSession -UseRPSSession:$false
If you don't use the "-UseRPSSession:$false" Parameter, you can't see the Connection with "Get-ConnectionInformation"

Andres Bohren