Microsoft Teams Call Queue/Auto Attendant - Authorized Users
Hi All,
A long awaited Feature has become to Teams Preview (Early Access).
Now Authorized Users of a Call Queue or Auto Attendand can change Greetings and Anoucements.
Not quite there where the "CsResponseGroupManager" from Skype for Business but a big improvement anyway
In my Opinion still missing is:
- add / remove Members to a Call Queue (The Manager should be able to add new Teammenbers himself)
- Business Hours (What happens if the Team has an Event and want to close early)
- Manage Holydays (Diffrent Holidays in each Kanton / Bundesland / State)

There is a new Policy "Voice applications Policies"

I've addet a new one with the Name "VAP-Allow" and enabled all the Sliders.

Now you need to add an Authorized User to the Auto Attendant

Now you need to add an Authorized User to the Call Queue

Let's check it with PowerShell
Get-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy | ft Identity
Get-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy -Identity VAP-Allow

Now we need to grant that Policy to the User
Grant-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy -Identity -PolicyName VAP-Allow
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity | fl *VoiceApplicationsPolicy*

On the Call Queue Object is a Property "AuthorizedUsers" that contains the ObjectID of the User. It can be resolved with Get-CsOnlineUser.
Get-CsCallQueue | ft identity, name
$CC = Get-CsCallQueue -Identity c46cdc50-b36c-4899-a0ae-c9491f88e5ff
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity ff18c35d-8cd9-45ce-b4e3-7e7abe13ff4e

On the AutoAttendant Object is a Property "AuthorizedUsers" that contains the ObjectID of the User. It can be resolved with Get-CsOnlineUser.
Get-CsAutoAttendant | ft identity, name
$AA = Get-CsAutoAttendant -Identity 99e2c8e6-ae9f-49d3-924d-d4a3958af9da
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity ff18c35d-8cd9-45ce-b4e3-7e7abe13ff4e

The Teams Client needs to be in Preview (Eearly Access) or EA Symbol on top.
Select "Settings"

Under "Calls" you can now Manage the Call Queue or Autoattendant

On the Autoattendant you can even have diffrent Greetings for each Holidays

Andres Bohren