Exchange Online sends now DMARC Aggregate Reports
Hi All,
As a Messaging Engineer / Architect i am well familiar with all the Messaging Standards that help to improve the Security of your Domain. Check out my Get-Mailprotection.ps1 Script
DMARC Advisor - so far the best DMARC Reporting Tool there has been an Anoucement that Exchange Online will also send DMARC Aggregate Reports (RUA) if the MX Points directly to Exchange Online. If the MX Reports to not Point to Exchange Online (or Exchange Online Protection) then no DMARC Report will be sent.

I have configured a DMARC Record in my Domain

Last week i've sent out a few Mails to M365 Tenants, Google and my Address to see if the DMARC Aggregate Reports would show up.
In the Overview of DMARCAdvisor i open the detail Viewer

When we open up the details we can see that there are Reports from:
- Enterprise Outlook (Office 365)
- (Windows Live / Microsoft Accounts)
this tells me that now M365 is also sending out DMARC Reports to senders.
That's a huge improvement as the DMARC Standard exists since about 2015 and will help Customers to adopt and improve theyr DMARC Record.

The Enterprise Outlook (aka Office 365 / Exchange Online) is already visible at tis DMARC Data Provider List

I love this Improvement. It was about time, that another big Player like Exchange Online joined the Gang of DMARC Aggregate Reporters. With that the Amount of covered Emaildomains will be significantly increased and the Reports finally help more People to adjust theyr DMARC Records and will also find about when they are misused.
Andres Bohren