WhiteboardAdmin 1.11.0 PowerShell Module released

Hi All,

Just a few Hours ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of the WhiteboardAdmin PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery.

Release Notes:
- Internal fixes to improve performance and reliability

WhiteboardAdmin 1.11.0

To install use the commandlets below. Remember the PowerShell has to be startet "As Administrator" to uninstall/install PowerShell Modules.

Get-InstalledModule WhiteboardAdmin
Find-Module WhiteboardAdmin

Let's uninstall the old PowerShell Module and install the new one

Uninstall-Module WhiteboardAdmin
Install-Module WhiteboardAdmin
Get-InstalledModule WhiteboardAdmin

To list all the Commands of this Module use the following command

Get-Command -Module WhiteboardAdmin

You need to have the ObjectId of the User Account with the Whiteboard Admin PowerShell Module.
One way to get that is the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module

Get-MgUser -UserId a.bohren@icewolf.ch

Now we can use the ObjectID to get all the Whiteboards for that user

Get-Whiteboard -UserId 6db8cdd5-8e93-462d-9907-994406c07f60

Andres Bohren