Exchange Online Quarantine Notification custom logo finally fixed
Hi All,
It has been almost a Year since i first wrote a Blog Post about the Exchange Online Quarantine Policy. I've already mentioned there, that the Custom Logo does not show up.
Exchange Online Quarantine Policy
I had several Microsoft Tickets open regarding that Issue as you can see in my Service request history

I did see that there was an Open Issue since August in the M365 Admin Center Service Health . It took them almost two Months to fix it.
Or almost a year if you consider, that it did not work from the Start (at least in my case).

But now, finally today i received my first Quarantine Mail with the custom Logo 😍

Just as a reminder. Here is the Setting where you configure the Custom Logo > Global Settings

Or if you prefer PowerShell:
Get-QuarantinePolicy -QuarantinePolicyType GlobalQuarantinePolicy

Andres Bohren