Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules 1.9.5 released
Hi All,
Yesterday Microsoft has released a new Version of theyr Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules. Just a few days after releasing 1.9.4... I like the fact that they fixed a bug in "user-agent", but maybe it shows somee missing quality control.
Microsoft.Graph 1.9.5
Release notes
Check the installed module and what's published in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalliedModule Microsoft.Graph
Find-Module Microsoft.Graph

If you uninstall the Microsoft.Graph Module, you don't uninstall the sub modules
Uninstall-Module Microsoft.Graph
Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph*

I've created a Script on my GitHub Repo to clean up the Microsoft.Graph Modules

Even it did throw an Error due to dependent Modules it worked at the end
Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph*

Andres Bohren