Microsoft Teams returns Shared Mailbox in Search

Hi All,

I was wondering why teams Search shows some SharedMailboxes and some not.

For Example: There are two Shared Mailboxes "SharedForward" and "SharedForwardSMTP" that can be found over Teams Searchbar on Top (does not matter if Teams Web or Teams for Windows).

The fun part is, that you can even send a chat message or call them

On the other hand there is a Shared Mailbox Postmaster - that shows no result when searching

To me, these Accounts all look the same

Get-AzureADUser -SearchString "Sharedfor" | ft DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, *Enabled*
Get-Mailbox -Identity SharedFor | ft Prim*, RecipientTypeDetails, *userAccount*

These Accounts do not even have a SIP Address 😂

Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity | fl UserPrincipalName, InterpretedUserType, RegistrarPool, *SIP*

Check the Postmaster Account

Get-AzureADUser -SearchString "Postmaster" | ft DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, *Enabled*
Get-Mailbox -Identity postmaster | ft Prim*, RecipientTypeDetails, *userAccount*

Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity | fl UserPrincipalName, InterpretedUserType, RegistrarPool, *SIP*

I can't spot a diffrence that would matter.

Let's check with the Developer Tools in Teams Web

You can see the call to suggestions - one time returning results - one time not.,Teams_BestMatch_Channels

Are there somewhere documented the "Attributes" that are used by the Suggestions Query? Please contact me if you know more.

There exists already some Suggestions in the Feedbackportal - please upvote them

Allow hiding of users from Microsoft Teams

Shared mailboxes can be contacted via Teams chat, confuses users

EDU: Teams will send chat messages to shared mailboxes that don't have Teams without activation of the Information barrier policy

Andres Bohren